Saturday, January 3, 2015

the flag will fly until Australia Day January 26th



New Year Optimism

Astronaut Chris Hadfield shares with us his thoughts
 on how fast our world moves and how it would benefit us
 to slow down and consider some things to be optimistic about.


Western Australia

Smiths Beach in the South West


A few places to add to your "bucket" list

Valley of the Ten Peaks, Moraine Lake, Alberta, Canada

Ice Canyon - Greenland

Plitvice Lakes – Croatia

The Pearl Waterfall, Jiuzhaigou Valley, China

Baatara Gorge Waterfall, Tannourine - Lebanon

Abel Tasman National Park - New Zealand

Neist Point, Isle of Skye - Scotland

Lady Musgrave Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Kaieteur Falls - World's Largest


Toddlers & Tiaras with Tom Hanks


Those Funny Animals

Peacock Spider Dances to YMCA

And from my favourite comic strip


One last look at 2014


and in Australia 2014

SYDNEY SIEGE — December 15-16, 2014

 Floral tribute in Martin Place for the two
 who lost their life in the attack

Melbourne Cup 2014: Admire Rakti,
 Araldo die in Cup tragedy —
 November 4, 2014

 Prime Minster Tony Abbott welcomes
 Russian President Vladamir Putin
 G20 and the Russian warships heading to Australia —
 November 13, 2014

Passengers push against a train in Perth, Australia, 
Aug. 6, 2014, helping to free a man trapped between the train and platform.

and we lost one of most popular
 Prime Ministers of recent times
Gough Whitlam passed away in 2014.



more here
TCM Remembers 2014


A major soft drink manufacturer decided that providing
 choices in the container size in the six-packs
 of its beverages might help move the product off the shelves.
    The unique selling idea was to have several different 
container sizes in the very same six-pack. 
 One of the most successful packages comprised
 two 250 ml bottles, two 500 ml bottles,
 and two 1000 ml bottles.
    To the bottler's surprise, after purchasing the beverage,
 most people chose to drink from the 
1000 ml container first.
    Post-marketing research showed why, 
it was the liter of the pack.


Grandma's new iphone

Grandma isn’t too excited about her new iPhone 
that she received for Christmas as she realizes
 she doesn’t need it and she’s “not equipped to handle this”.
 This is a special kind of iPhone that just about anyone will enjoy
 including Grandma as she is pleasantly surprised
 by how easy it is to operate.



People That Should Win an Award for Stupidity


I'm sure my petrol cap was on this side


Not Everyone Should be a Parent

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry…


Winter Car Bowling


Ice Skating for Cars



Odds and Ends


Old Couple Walks On The Dance Floor And Blows Everyone Away!


North Korea

from around the world








Kayak Launch Fail

Extreme Airport Approach in Iceland!


These 10 Unsolved Mysteries Will Have You wondering


Strange Weather, Pasadena, California

In the Fanfest area the day before the Rose Bowl game
 a “Dust Devil” wreaks havoc


This weeks signs


One day Paddy, an Irishman, goes into a chemist shop 
- reaches into his pocket and
Takes out a small Irish whiskey bottle and a teaspoon.
He pours some whiskey onto the teaspoon
 and offers it to the chemist.
"Could you taste this for me, please?"
The chemist takes the teaspoon, puts it in his mouth,
 swills the liquid
Around and swallows it.
"Does that taste sweet to you?" says Paddy.
"No, not at all," says the chemist.
"Oh that's a relief," says Paddy.

"The doctor told me to come here
 and get my urine tested for sugar."


Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling 

thanks Gordon H


Phils Philosphy

All posts, jokes, stories, cartoons, photos and videos on this site
are understood to be in the public domain.
If you hold the copyright to any of them and would like me to remove them,
please contact Phil at


  1. New Year Optimism. Excellent.

    I added all those places to my bucket list. Awesome.

    I'll never look at Tom Hanks the same again.

    Peacock Spider Dances to YMCA. Bwahahahahahahaha and creepy too.

    One last look at 2014. Yikes.

    We lost a lot of great folks in 2014. Time marches on.

    TCM Remembers 2014. Very well done.

    Loved that chocolate phone. Perfect.

    I'm ashamed. I didn't get the parking space right.

    Stupidity awards. All of them need a sign. Yes they do.

    Loved the lady getting gas. She's a slow learner and a blonde. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Some people shouldn't be allow to procreate. Ever.

    Winter Car Bowling. Now you know why I refuse to live in snow country.

    Ice Skating for Cars. They would have been safer staying in the car. Yikes.

    Poor dog.

    All those folks with the cameras on their heads? That's where we are now.

    That old couple can dance. Wow. He's sure able to move unlike most of us old folks.

    That Kayak guy is an idiot.

    I don't think I'll fly into that airport in Iceland. That pilot nailed it though. Very well done.

    These 10 Unsolved Mysteries. Wow, I had no idea.

    Hadn't heard about the dust devil in Pasadena. That was something.

    Loved the signs. Some of them made me laugh out loud.

    Loved the soccer spoof. Too funny. Poor Scott Sterling.

    I plan on making 2015 a great year.

    Another fun posting. Thanks

    Have a fabulous weekend Phil. ☺

  2. Phil, I visit here almost every week and some weeks I steal stuff. You have the funniest and most awesome collection of stuff on the interwebs. Keep it coming and all the best in 2015.
