Saturday, August 1, 2015


Western Australia
Perth and the upper Swan River


A Boy and His Dog Duck.
  Good for Life.


Odds and Ends

Lucky Flip


 Haka for Mr. Dawson Tamatea's Funeral Service

Students in an all-boys New Zealand were stricken
 by the death of their teacher Dawson Tamatea July 26
and offered up a haka as a sign of respect
 in front of the approaching hearse. 
The entire school performing the Haka during the arrival
 of Mr. Tamatea in the hearse.
 This was a very emotional and powerful performance.
 The long-time Palmerston North Boys' High teacher died in his sleep, 
 Tamatea, 55, spent 30 years as a teacher at Boys' High
Tamatea started working as a math 
and physical education teacher at the school in 1986.


Some of the most popular things in the world

The Guinness Book of World Records estimates
 that over 5 billion copies of the Bible have been sold.

 The best-selling DVD of all time is ‘Finding Nemo’ with 40 million copies sold.

China’s Snow Beer sells the most beer in the world at 61 million hectoliters.

 Paul Gauguin’s painting “When Will You Marry?” 
is the most expensive painting at $300 million

 Snickers is the best-selling candy bar with $3.6 million in sales

The most popular ball game in the world is Soccer


 INSPIRING AD  Thai life insurance in 2015

Thank you Pomchai !!


Miscellaneous Cartoons


Dogs Stuck In Stuff


Animals that want to be photographers


Dog Dives off Cliff in Malta


Dog Loves Going Down Giant Slide into Lake 


Those Funny Animals

Hey Mom!! wait for us

time to cool off


The Secret Life Of Pets 


Around the World














Mary Poppins Sings Death Metal


This weeks Signs


A funeral procession pulled into a cemetery. 
Several carloads of family members
followed a black truck towing a boat with a coffin in it.
A passer-by remarked, 
“That guy must have been a very avid fisherman.”

“Oh, he still is,”
 remarked one of the mourners.
As a matter of fact,
 he’s headed off to the lake as soon as we bury his wife.”


World record semi truck jump!


Max. 200 Km


German commercial


Interesting Facts


Yakety Max


Tundra Comics


SprintCam  Showreel Slow Motion
Love the Jelly at the end


Phils Philosophy


All posts, jokes, stories, cartoons, photos and videos on this site
are understood to be in the public domain.
If you hold the copyright to any of them and would like me to remove them,
please contact Phil at

1 comment:

  1. You live in a beautiful city Phil.

    Duck. That was bittersweet. Watching them grow old that is. That's what we are dealing with.

    Journalism sucks the world over. It's all agenda driven anymore.

    Politicians. I'm sick of all those crooks.

    I had dinner at Tahoe Joe's a year or so ago, and my steak wasn't cooked that much. I asked for medium and got rare, rare and more rare. I didn't eat it.

    I had great medical insurance before the government grab, now it's awful. Things aren't better they are worse.

    Loved the New Zealand Haka for their respected teacher.

    Some of the most popular things in the world... I didn't have a clue.

    INSPIRING AD Thai life insurance in 2015. Awesome.

    Loved all the cartoons and especially the vegetarian one. Spot on.

    The dogs stuck in stuff. Bwahahahahahahaha. Bless their hearts.

    Awww, on the animals that want to be photographers.

    That was one fearless diving dog in Malta.

    The dog going down that slide was adorable.

    Hey mom...wait for us. So cute.

    The bear in the pool made me smile.

    The secret life of pets. Probably happens pretty much like that too.

    This weeks signs. Bwahahahahahahahaha.

    Wow on that semi truck jump. Loved the CHP turnaround when he stopped too.

    Max. 200 Km. Bwahahahahahahahaha.

    German commercial. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Interesting Facts. Always a great history lesson.

    Loved the slow motion video. Awesome.

    Another fun week Phil.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺
