Saturday, August 29, 2015


Western Australia

Cape Leeuwin


Share the Force


Around the world


Denmark and Sweden








Molokini island Hawaii



 The Fear that You've Lived an Ordinary Life


Miscellaneous Cartoons

 world wide problem


Family of bears have a pool party


Mind blowing info


A bit of culture for you!!

If you like Tchaikovsky, you will really love this.

Forty students from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
 took a classical approach to the flashmob as they flashwaltzed 
Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers at the new 
Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower in Jerusalem .

Doctors, patients and passers-by joined in the fun.

The surprise concert was part of Good Deeds Day,
 an annual event that  originated in Israel in 2007 
and now takes place in over 50 countries worldwide. 
On this day volunteers reach out to the less fortunate and the vulnerable.

The Academy students enjoyed the day so much
 that they have decided to schedule regular concerts
 at the hospital.
 Hadassah Medical  Organization treats over one million patients annually, 
without regard to race, religion or national origin.

I liked the older couple dancing to the music
 as well as that little girl in the wheel chair.
 Absolutely precious

Tchaikovsky Flashwaltz at Hadassah Hospital

thanks Gordon H


Did you Know??

Glass takes one million years to decompose, 
which means it never wears out and can be
 recycled an infinite amount of times!
Gold is the only metal that doesn't rust,
 even if it's buried in the ground for thousands of years.
Your tongue is the only muscle in your body
 that is attached at only one end.
If you stop getting thirsty , you need to drink more water.
 When a human body is dehydrated, 
its thirst mechanism shuts off.
Zero is the only number that cannot be represented 
by Roman numerals.
Kites were used in the American Civil War
to deliver letters and newspapers.
The song, Auld Lang Syne , is sung at the stroke of midnight
 in almost every English-speaking country
 in the world to bring in the new year.
Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth
by 61 percent.
Peanut oil is used for cooking in submarines
 because it doesn't smoke unless it's heated above 450F.
The roar that we hear when we place a seashell 
next to our ear is not the ocean, 
but rather the sound of blood surging through the veins in the ear.
Nine out of every 10
living things live in the ocean.
The banana cannot reproduce itself.
 It can be propagated only by the hand of man.
Airports at higher altitudes require a longer airstrip
 due to lower air density.
The University of Alaska
spans four time zones.
The tooth is the only part of the human body 
that cannot heal itself.
In ancient Greece , tossing an apple to a girl 
was a traditional proposal of marriage.
 Catching it meant she accepted.
Warner Communications paid 28 million for the copyright 
to the song Happy Birthday.
Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.
A comet's tail always points away from the sun.
The Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 caused more death 
and illness than the disease it was intended to prevent.
Caffeine increases the power of aspirin and other painkillers,
 that is why it is found in some medicines.
The military salute is a motion that evolved from medieval times,
 when knights in armor raised their
 visors to reveal their identity.
If you get into the bottom of a well or a tall chimney and look up ,
 you can see stars, even in the middle of the day.
When a person dies , hearing is the last sense to go.
 The first sense lost is sight.
In ancient times strangers shook hands to show
 that they were unarmed.
Strawberries are the only fruits whose seeds
 grow on the outside.
Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit 
at 167 calories per hundred grams.
The moon moves about two inches away 
from the Earth each year.
The Earth gets 100 tons heavier every day 
due to falling space dust.
Due to earth's gravity it is impossible for mountains 
to be higher than 15,000 meters.
Mickey Mouse is known as "Topolino" in Italy.
Soldiers do not march in step when going across bridges
 because they could set up a vibration
 which could be sufficient to knock the bridge down.
Everything weighs one percent less at the equator.
For every extra kilogram carried on a space flight,
 530 kg of excess fuel are needed at lift-off.
The letter J does not appear anywhere
 on the periodic table of the elements.


Those funny animals

Epic Cat Door Fail


Real game of cat-and-mouse with a squirrel


The Pig of Happiness

Dog dancing in the street.


Bottoms Up Draft Beer Dispensing System on CNN

thanks Kitty L


Rock and Roll Trivia


Magician Neil Henry proposes to his girlfriend 
with alphabetty spaghetti trick



5yr olds reaction to becoming a big brother.


Odds and Ends

Crash test  200km/h




This weeks Signs


Ultimate Speedboat Fails Compilation 


Phils Philosophy

All posts, jokes, stories, cartoons, photos and videos on this site
are understood to be in the public domain.
If you hold the copyright to any of them and would like me to remove them,
please contact Phil at

1 comment:

  1. Share the Force. My son was so into this. So into this. I stood in a lot of lines so he could see the latest Star Wars movie. Fond memories.

    Around the world. Always a treat. Love that water park. Wow.

    Koinophobia, I don't have that and never did. I'm happy about it too. I've had an exciting life and it continues to be awesome.

    How cute with all those bears having a pool party. What a capture too.

    Mind blowing info. I hadn't thought of these things in these terms. Mind blowing.

    Loved the flash-waltz. Wow, that was amazing.

    Did you know? Mostly I didn't know. Very interesting.

    Those funny animals. Love these.

    That cat door fail was funny. Smart cat.

    That squirrel is way smarter than that cat.

    Awww, the pig of happiness. Adorable and then some.

    The dog dancing in the street was cute. He's got some great moves.

    The beer dispensing system. Brilliant.

    Rock and roll trivia. I didn't know any of this.

    Loved the marriage proposal. That was very cool.

    The 5 year olds reaction to becoming a big brother. He's really excited.

    Odds and Ends... I had the same dinner. Take it or leave it.

    Yikes on that crash test. Yikes.

    Loved the news bloopers. You just never know what's going to happen.

    I ain't voting for Monica Lewinsky's ex boyfriends wife either.

    The speedboat fails. So sad. So sad. And some of them (a lot of them) created their own disasters. I couldn't watch all of it. I'm too much of a boater to watch these fools.

    Another fine week of fun.

    Have a fabulous day my friend. ☺
