Saturday, March 26, 2016


Western Australia
Ord River Dam  spillway  Kununurra


Sweden has an Easter tradition with roots in pre-Christian Europe:
 On Maundy Thursday (Skärtorsdag), children go trick-or-treating.
 The Thursday before Easter was once said to be the day all witches 
flew on their broomsticks to a mountain to cavort with the devil.
 They flew back to their homes on Saturday, 
and tried to blend in with the rest of the churchgoers on Easter Sunday.
 In memory of this belief, children in Sweden and parts of Finland 
dress as witches (and sometimes other pop culture characters) 
and go from house to house seeking candy.

Australians aren't big fans of rabbits. 
The furry creatures are an invasive species that has destroyed
 much of the native flora and supplanted the native fauna.
 So Australians have never been too keen on the idea 
of the Easter bunny bringing treats.
 In 1968, 9-year-old Rose-Marie Dusting of Queensland
 wrote a story called "Billy The Aussie Easter Bilby," 
which she later published.
 (A bilby is a native marsupial with long ears that made
 quite a good substitute for the Easter bunny.)
 In 1991, an official campaign was launched to promote the Easter bilby,
 and chocolatiers followed by fashioning candy bilbies 
for Easter baskets. 
The gift of a chocolate bilby is not only a holiday tradition now, 
but also a statement of Aussie pride

Fanesca is a traditional Easter soup in Ecuador. 
It’s said to be made only once a year because 
the preparation is so time-consuming,
 and because each recipe makes such a large batch. 
The ingredients include a variety of fresh grains and beans,
 squash, salted cod, cheese, and milk.
 The twelve grains and beans are said to represent the twelve apostles,
 and the cod represents Jesus. 
A site called Laylita’s Recipes has the complete recipe 
and instructions for fanesca and other Ecuadorian Easter recipes.

The native people of eastern Canada 
have long hunted seals in the spring.
 When Europeans arrived, they found that all parts
 of the seal could be sold, except for the flippers,
 which were relatively tough. 
Those were kept for home consumption,
 and improved by coating in flour, frying with onions and other vegetables,
 and then being baked into a pie. 
Since it was made during the spring hunting season,
 Seal Flipper Pie became traditional for Lent and Easter 
in the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador. 
Today, it is served in restaurants 
and sold in groceries for the Easter season.

An Easter tradition in Hungary involves throwing buckets of water
 on young women of marriageable age.
  On the day after Easter, known as Easter Monday, 
the women dress up in traditional clothing, 
and young men douse them with water in a custom called 
“Water Sowing Monday,” or Vízbevető. 
This is supposed to be a pre-Christian cleansing ritual to promote fertility, 
which has evolved into a tradition that is sometimes
 an excuse for flirting with the opposite sex,
 and sometimes just a nuisance. 

The custom isn’t limited to Hungary. 
In Poland, it’s known as Śmigus-Dyngus. 
There are variations in other Eastern European countries as well.
 In some places, you don’t need to dress up to get wet;
 in others, a little spritz of perfume replaces the drenching. 
Sometimes the dowsing is accompanied by poetry reading 
or symbolic “whipping” with pussy willows.
 Traditionally, the girls are supposed to return the favor on Tuesday,
 but in reality, all the shenanigans happen on the same day.

In Italy, the tradition of celebrating Easter with eggs and candy 
has evolved into the custom of giving gifts
 tucked inside chocolate eggs.
 There are mass-produced chocolate eggs with treats inside for children, 
somewhat akin to Kinder Surprise eggs,
 except the Italian version for the holiday is much larger.
 There are also beautiful artisanal eggs made by chocolatiers,
 either wrapped in fancy paper and ribbons or decorated 
with intricate edible art right on the chocolate. 
The gifts inside are often customized—
it’s not unusual to present an engagement ring 
or a set of car keys in this manner. 
More typical would be gold jewelry for one’s spouse, 
or a toy that one’s child has been craving.
 An internet search for “Italian chocolate Easter eggs”
 yields several chocolatiers who will ship the eggs to you.





Little Big Shots 
Four-Year-Old Piano Prodigy


Little Big Shots - Baby Bruce Lee!


Miscellaneous Cartoons




Around the World






Why is this lake bright pink?
 No one knows



Saudi Arabia





WOW !!!


Those funny animals

Cool haircut

Artic  Bunnies


The bird whisperer

Sreedharan Subramaniam appropriately titled this video
 The Bird Whisperer.
 Apparently, this man has been feeding the ducks by the water
 everyday over the winter.
 But today he was running a little late. 
So what happened?

The over enthusiastic ducks took over the street 
in an attempt to meet him half way. 


Phun Phacts

Over 60 percent of Chinese consumers also say that they 
are willing to pay more for products labeled “Made in USA”
 than for those labeled “Made in China”

Bill Murray considers Groundhog Day the movie he was born 
to make and probably the best work that he has done.
 Before that movie he was seen largely as a clown. 
After it, he was a complex actor with range

In 2014, South Korean Christians put up a Christmas tree
 visible from the North Korean Border.
 North Korea responded by calling it a
 “tool for psychological warfare” 
and threatened to bomb it

A Russian mathematician solved a 100 year old math problem.
 He declined the Fields medal, $1 million in awards, 
and later retired from math because he hated the recognition
 the math community gives to people who prove things




Pink Floyd fans will understand


Cursing Without Cursing

Film List (in order of appearance):

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Napoleon Dynamite (2004)
Johnny Dangerously (1984)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1999)
Almost Famous (2000)
A Christmas Story (1983)
The Surfs (2011)
Spy Kids (2001)
Serenity (2005)
Star Trek (2009)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
The Breakfast Club (1985)
Hook (1991)
Three Amigos (1986)
You Can’t Cheat An Honest Man (1939)
Dumb And Dumber (1994)
Elf (2003)
The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy (2005)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
A Bug’s Life (1998)
Misery (1990)
Never Give A Sucker An Even Break (1941)
Splash (1984)
Anchorman (2004)
Cats And Dogs (2001)
Short Circuit (1986)
Monty Python And The Holy Grail (1975)
The Wizard Of Oz (1939)
True Romance (1993)
A Clockwork Orange (1971)
The Princess Bride (1987)
The Sandlot (1993)
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou (2004)


Odds and Ends

Possibly the best movie ever

 if you know the answer ... let me know!!


Alabama fan comes in like a wrecking ball 
at the Sugar Bowl

Money well spent


Top 10 Tom Hanks Performances


This weeks signs

Today's Media


These flowers are getting a second chance
 to bring joy to others


Word of the Week

Phil's Philosophy

All posts, jokes, stories, cartoons, photos and videos on this site
are understood to be in the public domain.
If you hold the copyright to any of them and would like me to remove them,

please contact Phil in the comments section

1 comment:

  1. Easter around the globe. Very interesting customs.

    People are awesome (Kids Edition). Wow. Just wow.

    Kids. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Little Big Shots. The baby Bruce Lee was the best.

    Miscellaneous cartoons are always fun.

    Magicians. That was so fun.

    Around the World. My history lesson each week. And that spider scared me to pieces.

    The pink lake. Wow, that's unusual.

    This is too good to be true. Double WOW!

    Those funny animals. They are funny and then some.

    The bird whisperer. They are very smart aren't they. Yes they are.

    Phun Phacts. Most of these I didn't know.

    Worlds best magic trick. That was pretty mean.

    Cursing without cursing. Bwahahahahahahaha. Well fudge.

    Odds and Ends. Always fun. I want some of those cheesecake stuffed strawberries.

    Oh that gal at that game. Yikes what a scrapper she is.

    Money well spent. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    This weeks signs. I always get a kick out of these.

    News: Rich people paying rich people to tell middle class people to blame poor people. BINGO!

    Loved the flowers that are getting a second chance. What a lovely thing to do.

    Another fun week.

    Have a fabulous day and Happy Easter Phil. ☺
