Wednesday, May 30, 2007


G'day All

Its the middle of the week [Wednesday]and all is quiet on the Western Front

The only exciting news is that Chris Judd beat the tribunal

and is now eligilbe to play against the

Kangaroos[North Melbourne this weekend

Fun with Lasers

Great people talk about ideas.
Average people talk about things.
Small people talk about other people
And legends, like us, never talk...we just drink

These are so awful they are almost funny

Western Australia
Around Derby in the Northwest are thousands of Boab trees
This one is near town and is estimated to be 1500 years old
It is hollow inside and at one time after early settlement
the local constabulary used it as a prison

One of Ireland great Singers Mary Duff with Daniel O'Donnell

Showing my age here but how true is this
Long live Rock and Roll
[Borrowed from Bits and Pieces blogsite]

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