Saturday, May 25, 2013

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Full moon over Wellington, NZ...
brilliant photography
Here is something a bit random,
 but none-the-less astounding. 

It is a 3 minute video clip of the full moon rising over Wellington.  
It was shot  on a calm summer evening,
 as people gathered on the Mt. Victoria Lookout point 
to watch the moon rise.
This stunning video is one single real-time shot, 
with no manipulation whatsoever.  
The camera was placed on  a hillside over 2 kilometres 
from the Lookout point, 
and was shot with the equivalent of a 1300mm lens.
The amount of planning, trial and error, 
and luck that went into this are mind blowing. 
 He has been trying to capture this for over a year 
One thing I encourage you to do is watch this 
on the biggest screen you have - don't waste it on an i phone screen.
(sound on...!)

thanks to Geoff C and Gordon H


More Phun Phacts

thanks Kitty L



A slow motion look at kids first taste of various food items 
and their reaction to how these foods taste.
The little boy who tasted the orange looks like he was really enjoying it 
while the kid that got the pickled onion has got to be
 wondering what the heck this thing is.
 A creative and fun video by Saatchi & Heckler.


Photos taken at the right Angle

     A SPANISH Teacher was explaining to her  class 
that in Spanish, unlike English, 
nouns are  designated as either masculine or  feminine.

'House' for  instance, is feminine: 'la casa.'
'Pencil,'  however, is masculine: 'el lapiz.'

A  student asked,
 'What gender is  'computer'?'

Instead of giving the answer, 
 the teacher split the class into two groups,
 male  and female, 
and asked them to decide for  themselves whether computer' 
should be a masculine  or a feminine noun. 
Each group was asked to give four reasons
  for its  recommendation.

The men's group decided that 'computer'  should definitely
 be of the feminine gender ('la  computadora'), because:

1. No one but their  creator understands their internal logic;

2  The native language they use to communicate with  
other computers is incomprehensible to everyone  else;

3. Even the smallest mistakes are  stored in long term memory
 for possible later  retrieval; and

4. As soon as you make a  commitment to one, 
you find yourself
spending  half your paycheck on accessories for  it.


The women's group, however, concluded that  computers should be Masculine 
('el computador'),  because:

1. In order to do anything with  them, you have to turn them  on;

2. They have a lot  of data but still can't think for  themselves;

3. They are supposed to help  you solve problems,
 but half the time they ARE the  problem; and

4. As soon as you commit to  one, 
you realize that if you had waited a little  longer, 
you could have got a better  model.

The women  won.

Thanks Geoff C


Savour Every Moment

Those Funny Animals

Fun with Animals

The worlds slowest Lawn Mower

thanks Kitty L


Can you see them???????


Awesome pictures
Thanks Joanne W

Matt went into Doc Smith's office for his annual checkup, 
and the Doc asked if there was anything unusual he should know about.
 That left it pretty wide open for Matt, 
so he told the Doc that he found it real strange
 how his suit must've shrunk just sitting' in his closet, 
because it didn't fit when he went to get ready for a wedding recently.
 The Doc said, "Suits don't shrink just sitting' there.
 You probably just put on a few pounds, Matt."
 "That's just it, Doc, I know I haven't gained a single pound 
since the last time I wore it." 
"Well, then," said Doc,
 "You must have a case of Furniture Disease."
 "What in the world is Furniture Disease?" Matt asked. 
"Furniture Disease, Matt," explained the Doc, "
is when you reach that stage in life when 
your chest starts sliding' down into your drawers."


For decades it had been just a small village at a ford across a small river.
As the area became more closely settled a dam was built upstream.
Unnoticed by the dam builders,
 a vein of valuable gemstones was amongst the material used to create the wall.
It didn’t take some of the locals long to find this source of wealth 
and a gemstone marketplace was set up in the now-dry riverbed.
It was a challenge to dig the stones out of the dam,
 but it provided a good living.
A new and  inexperienced gemstone hunter wanted to gather
 all the stones at once and sell them in one huge batch at the riverbed market.

However wiser heads prevailed after they told him,
 “You don’t want to dig out all the stones at one time.
You’ll flood the market.”

stolen from Archies Archives

When a wild giraffe gets a sore throat
(which is very serious, as you can imagine) 
he goes instinctively to a special ‘short tree’ area of the savannah
 where he can munch leaves at an easier level
 and hang with other sick giraffes while they all recover together.
When Steven Spielberg heard about this he thought
 ‘What a swell movie that would make.’
So he went to Africa and spent millions in pre-production 
trying to make a hit movie with the story of these ailing giraffes.
But it never did quite come together for some reason,
 and Spielberg was very disappointed.
 He said to himself,
 “I wish I could somehow salvage this project, 
’cause it’s got a terrific title’”.
The rest, as they say – is history
. Sure, he made some kind of a dinosaur flick,
 but we never did get to see 
…… Giraffe-Sick Park.

stolen from Archies Archives


The Beatles


Rally Win





Fails of the Week


OMG!!  .....  I don't graduate for another 90 years

The summer after college graduation, 
I was living at home, 
fishing in the daytime, spending nights with my friends -
- generally just hanging out. 
One afternoon my grandfather, 
who never went to college, stopped by.
    Concerned with how I was spending my time, 
he asked about my future plans. 
I told him I was in no hurry to tie myself down to a career.
    "Well," he replied, "you better start thinking about it.
 You'll be thirty before you know it."
    "But I'm closer to twenty than to thirty," I protested. 
"I won't be thirty for eight more years."
    "I see," he said, smiling. 
"And when will you be twenty again?"


Things you don't see too often

thanks Geoff C




Men !!

thanks Shelagh N

My wife and I were going through a rough patch financially,
 but we kept ourselves sane by repeating, 
"As long as we have each other, 
we don't need anything else."
    But when the television in our bedroom broke 
and we couldn't afford to repair or replace it,
 my wife lost it. 
"That's just great!" she shouted.  
"Now there's no entertainment in our bedroom at all!"


    I was in the checkout line at my local hardware store
 I overheard one man say to another,
 "My wife has been after me to paint our shed." he said, 
"But I let it go for so long she got mad and fid it herself."
   His friend nodded. 
"I like women who get mad like that."





Breakfasts  Around the world

Argentina....   Danish pastries filled with custard

Australia  .....  Cold Cereal and milk with toast and vegemite

Brazil ...Ham  Cheese Bread and Coffee

China  ........Dim Sun

Egypt: Fava Beans, Chickpeas, Hard Boiled Egg, Veggies

Finland........Open sandwiches, Cheese, Cold Cuts and Cereal

Ghana  ....Rice cooked with Beans and Spices

Germany......Cold Meats, Sausage Cheese and Bread

Japan......Miso Soup   Steamed Rice and Pickles

Morocco.....Breads with Jam Cheese or Butter

Peru......Bread with Butter ,Jam ,Cheese, Ham and Oatmeal

Turkey..........Bread, Cheese, Butter, Olives and Eggs


St. Peter is sitting at the Pearly Gates 
when two guys wearing dark hoodies, and sagging pants, arrive
. St. Peter looked out through the Gates and said,
 "Wait here. I’ll be right back."

St. Peter goes over to God's chambers 
and tells him who is waiting for entrance.
 God says to Peter:

"How many times do I have to tell you?
 You can't be judgmental here. 
This is heaven. 
All are loved.
 All are brothers.
 Go back and let them in!" 

St. Peter goes back to the Gates, looks around, 
and lets out a heavy sigh.
 He returns to God's chambers and says,
 “Well, they're gone."
“The guys wearing hoodies?" asked God.

"No. The Pearly Gates."

Karma in Colombia


This weeks signs

Budget Cuts

I don't care where we go!!

Seen in Venice



All posts, jokes, stories, cartoons, photos and videos on this site
are understood to be in the public domain.
If you hold the copyright to any of them and would like me to remove them,
please contact Phil at


  1. Some good ones this week Phil.

    Have a terrific day. :)

  2. I loved this post, Phil. Thanks for sending it.

  3. Funny stuff that brings a big smile to my face - - I love the animal videos and the disgust on those wee faces when trying a new taste - makes me think of that old song called "Thank heaven for little girls" (and boys)
    The Danish pastries here behind the Alps, filled with custard, my 4 o'Clock treat (but certainly not for breakfast, he he)
    Last but not least - just returned from a visit to Venice but unfortunately I never got to see the "Fire Exit" ....
    Thanks for the entertainment Phil.
    Celeste behind the Alps.
