Beer Boy
A man suffered a serious heart attack
and had open heart bypass surgery.
He awakened from the surgery to find himself
in the care of nuns at a Catholic hospital.
As he was recovering, a nun asked him questions
regarding how he was going to pay for services.
He was asked if he had health insurance.
He replied, in a raspy voice, "No health insurance."
The nun asked if he had money in the bank.
He replied, "No money in the bank."
The nun asked, "Do you have a relative who could help you?"
He said, "I only have a spinster sister, who is a nun."
The nun got a little perturbed and announced loudly.
"Nuns are not spinsters! Nuns are married to God."
The patient replies,
"Send the bill to my brother-in-law."
This reminds that I must get into the great land out there this year
------------------------------------------------------Those funny animals

A young Aussie joins the navy.

Its just a modern world we live in!!

Japanese Susan Boyle


Gotta like this
Get Out
Uploaded by Esma-Movie. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.
Big Mac goes green


One Liners
I asked my mailman why my letters were all wet... he said "postage dew".
Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.
The only thing that wakes you up faster than coffee is spilled coffee.
A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you're in deep water.
Odd that when a house burns down, the only things left standing are the chimney and the fireplace.
Only in America do we shop at places with limited parking, overpriced items, and long lines and insultingly, call them convenience stores.
Does a clean house indicate that there is a broken computer in it?
are understood to be in the public domain.
If you hold the copyright to any of them and would like me to remove them,
please contact Phil at philco@iinet.net.au.
1 comment:
The beer boy is quite something. What a little smart a$$.
Have a terrific day. :)
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