The dentist replies:
The man replies:
The dentist says:
The man says:
One hot summer day, a blonde came to town with her dog,
tied it under the shade of a tree and headed
into a restaurant for something cold to drink.
Twenty minutes later, a policeman entered the restaurant and asked:
“Who owns the dog tied under that tree outside?”
The blonde said it was hers.
“Your dog seems to be in heat,” the officer said.
The blonde replied:
“No way. She's cool 'cause she's tied up under that tree.”
The policeman said: “No, you don't understand. Your dog needs to be bred.”
“No way,” said the blonde: “My dog doesn't need bread.
She isn't hungry
'cause I fed her this morning.”
The exasperated policeman said:
“You still don't understand.
Your dog wants to
have sex!”
The blonde looked at the cop and said:
“Well, go ahead. I always wanted a
police dog.”

Each day a man walked into his stable to ride his horse, John.
Britains Got Talent
A blonde began a job as a primary school counselor,
Sandy approached him and asked if he was alright.
The boy said he was.
A little while later,
Approaching again, Sandy said,
The boy hesitated, then said,
“Because,” the little boy said,
thanks Liz Z
30. Reasons You know you're from Vancouver:
1. You don't understand why Manitoba and Saskatchewan
2. You would swear your in China, Japan or Korea or India
3 You dont understand why anyone would live in Edmonton or Toronto
4. You know that West Vancouver, the West End,
5. You go to any other city in BC and think you're in a small town (victoria included)
6. When you dont hear about a shooting in Surrey in a month, they have a parade
7. You know the provincial flower: the dogwood
8. You know that there is actually a town called Dawson Creek
9. You love it when kids from other places ask if you live in igloos
10. You know how to pronounce Squamish, Osoyoos, Ucluelet, Esquimalt, Sooke & Nanaimo.
11. You had a friend that barely spoke English
12. You consider 2 degrees freezing cold
13. You dont know or care whether Marijuana is illegal
14. You know more people with boats than air conditioners
15. You know Granville island is not actually an island
16. You go bankrupt from paying your rent
17. You can always tell where north is.
18. You know someone with a place in Whistler
19. You take sunglasses AND an umbrella when you go out
20. You are aware that Surrey, New West, Burnaby, Delta,
21. The phrase "someone's shooting in the alley" doesn't make you think of guns
22. You don't find it wierd that every time you go downtown,
23. You can get the best sushi in the world
24. You would never cheer for the Flames no matter how good they were getting
25. Living downtown and working in the suburbs does not seem like a strange idea
26. You know the names and locations of at least three beaches,
27. A nice day means when you can see the mountains
28. You still believe the Canucks have a shot at winning the stanley cup.
29. You never go camping without waterproof matches and a 100% water proof raincoat
30. The last time there was snow, you were so confused you tried to snort it.
I called your house the other day
I wasn't sure where that was,
thanks Don H
We went to the movie the other night.
"Excuse me, sorry, oops, excuse me, pardon me,
By the time she got to me I was trying to look around her
"No!!" she said in a loud whisper,


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