This is the last post for about a month as I am heading off to USA/Canada
for some holidays and to catch up with a few friends
Phils Phun will return early in August
Airline travel can be fun but very tiresome
Ican't afford business class ,nor economy class
so I have decided to travel no class
Lost your job??
Applying for another??
Don’t take no for an answer
This gem is perfect for todays economy.
So this goes out to all of those individuals that have lost their jobs but not their sense of humor.
Thank you for your letter rejecting my application for employment with your firm.
I have received rejections from an unusually large number of well qualified organizations.
With such a varied and promising spectrum of rejections from which to select,
it is impossible for me to consider them all.
After careful deliberation, then, and because a number of firms have found me more unsuitable, I regret to inform you that I am unable to accept your rejection.
Despite your company’s outstanding qualifications and previous experience in rejecting applicants,
I find that your rejection does not meet with my requirements at this time.
As a result, I will be starting employment with your firm on the first of the month.
Circumstances change and one can never know when new demands for rejection arise. Accordingly, I will keep your letter on file in case my requirements for rejection change.
Please do not regard this letter as a criticism of your qualifications in attempting to refuse me employment. I wish you the best of luck in rejecting future candidates.
A man patted his daughter's hand fondly, and told her,
"Your young man told me today he wanted you as a bride, and I gave my consent."
"Oh, Daddy," gushed the daughter, "it's going to be so hard leaving Mummy."
"I understand perfectly, my dear," beamed the father.....
"You can Take her with you!!!"
Modern technology

Reporter interviewing a 104-year-old woman:
The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.
I've sure gotten old! I've had two bypass surgeries, a hip replacement,
See how you go!!
1. A below par performance is considered good.

Five Englishmen are walking along the Thames, discussing terms of venery.
The first English gentleman says, “A fanfare of strumpets.”
The second says, “No, it’s a trey of tarts.”
The third says, “No, a volume of Trollope’s.”
The fourth says, “Nope, a pride of loins.”
The fifth says, “No, I say it’s an anthology of English prose.”
stolen from Archies Archive

As the two leaders and their entourages were dining one day,
“In Russia,” he said, “we have a canyon even bigger than your Grand Canyon!”
Now no-one was going to stand up and contradict the Czar,
Finally, the American president stood up, and said “Okay. Let’s see this canyon then.”
So an expedition was organised.
But there wasn’t one. Not even a little one.
And then it dawned on everyone –
stolen from Archies Archive
Bill had been getting progressively more bald at a very young age,


A Cherokee Indian was a special guest at an elementary school.
Max Merritt & The Meteors' promo-video for the hit single 'Slippin' Away'