Saturday, April 18, 2015


Western Australia
 Broome in the NW
where the outback meets the Indian Ocean


Gift - Short film
Outstanding video
If you own or have owned an animal
Then watch this twice
When you view it the second time  it becomes very meaningful

Viewed above  from a "Gro Pro"

Pictures to make you smile


Marc Métral and his talking dog Wendy 


Dog torture


Pictures to let you know
 there are still some Stupid people out there

Naked farmer does ghost riding 


Those Funny Animals

Best Of Animals And Kids 



Amazing Kids


Positive role modelling by parents of 5-12 year olds 
has the potential to have a huge influence 
on their child’s future driving behaviour.


The Robins are appearing


I thought I was the only one who liked her
Actually have one of her recordings
Fascinating Story
The Eva Cassidy Story


Around the World



South Korea 








Odds and Ends

Help wanted!!


Delivery in Space


Miscellaneous Cartoons

Tough Guy saves the Day


Sports Fail Gif's


Stages of marriage.



Ed Rondthaler is 102 years old and he shares some thoughts 
on spelling words in the English language.


This weeks Signs

Best Laughing News Bloopers


Phils Philosphy

Don't waste water

Save the trees

All posts, jokes, stories, cartoons, photos and videos on this site
are understood to be in the public domain.
If you hold the copyright to any of them and would like me to remove them,
please contact Phil at


Sandee said...

Gift. Awww. What a powerful message.

All the photographs from way high are breathtaking beautiful.

All the pictures did make me smile.

Wendy. Awesome and very funny.

Dog torture. Bwahahahahahahaha. That dog was so convincing.

There are lots of stupid people out there and you can't fix stupid.

What was that naked farmer drinking? Good grief.

Those funny animals. Bless their hearts. Some of the things we make them do.

Animals and kids. Way cute and funny too.

Kids are amazing and if we listen they can tell us so very much.

Parental role modeling. Spot on. Spot on.

The Eva Cassidy Story. I had no idea. Wow.

I love your around the world and yes we're in a severe drought here. I'm living right smack in the middle of it too.

Odd and Ends. Always learn so much, but the presidents in uniform made me laugh out loud and then I was sad for the last two. Especially the last one.

Just say NO to Hillary. Her and her husband have done some very awful things. Including getting rid of folks.

Delivery in space. It could happen. Way cool. Well until the end.

Tough guy saves the day. Not what I was expecting. Bwahahahahahahaha.

The sports GIFs. Bwahahahahahahaha.

Stages of marriage. Isn't it the truth.

Loved the trivia. I always learn so much here.

Ed Rondthaler. That was very cool.

Loved all the signs. Too funny.

Blooper are always fun. Once you get the giggles it's over.

Save the trees. Amen.

Another fine week Phil.

Have a fabulous day my friend. :)

Anonymous said...

Awsome blog entries here again but I so love the guy with the French

Accent - - and his Little dog Looks just like mine (he's got some Training to do now)

Some clever guy christened ol' Vladimir with many names - - that is so cool.

That would be a challenge for the Driver of that White Limo if he had the Courage to park

like that here in our land of chocolates and cheese. (hee hee)

Some People ain't just plain stupid, they get dumb and dumber.

Keith Richards Looks a Royal mess - no further comment.

The animal goodies are splendid especially the home made cat sausage and not

to be overlooked, that miserable looking dog with a hangover face . . CUTE!!!

Louis Vuitton - way too expensive and ugly, I say burn away.

Thanks again Phil, for making us smile.

Hakuna Matata and Do nut worry.
